Buyers of gold know the worth of gold and can examine the purity of your jewellery and the weight. Then, they will give you an estimation of price. Which way do you know if you are getting a good deal?
In this video in the video, the host gets undercover and obtains prices for their gold from a variety of gold buyers and jewelers within the vicinity. The host used the gold that they purchased from a professional buyer and collector. Then, he set the price at the sum of $6000. They compared prices offered by each store with that value in their heads.
The lowest offer they received was only 42% of the value of the gold they had. They were offered a maximum of 85%, which was the same value as the gold. It’s difficult to determine which buyers are getting a great deal with such huge variations in prices. The best things you can take is to sell your gold to multiple buyers before you choose one. Also, it is a good idea look into the present price of your precious jewelry. It will give you the most competitive price for your gold as well as diamonds. esqqv1ve9n.